Send Promotional SMS

Send text messages to your clients or users in a matter of seconds from the platform or through Gateway SMS

Invia SMS

Text Message is the professional service to send single or multiple high quality text messages, Bulk messages and Flash messages.

Text Message allows you to create, manage and launch campaigns, communications and reminders via text message from any device, such as a PC or a tablet, connected to the internet, without having to install any programs.

How does the text messaging service work?

From any device connected to the internet you can register and access the platform through a username and a password. Once inside the platform you will be able to send single and multiple text messages in a few seconds.

The advantages of choosing Text Message to send text messages

Text Message is the text messaging platform for everyone, simple and intuitive. It allows you to send promotions and communications to your clients in a matter of seconds.

  • Quality Text Messages

    Send High Quality text messages with a customized sender, Guaranteed Delivery and Delivery Confirmation Report.

  • Immediate and Usable Interface

    The Text Message platform was designed for everyone: simple and intuitive.

  • Schedule outgoing messages

    Plan your text message campaigns and send in real time or choose the time and date to reach your recipients.

  • Delivery Report

    Report with delivery status and details for each message sent

  • Advanced statistics

    Real time statistics, advanced and complete, for every campaign and each message sent.

  • Clean database

    Client lists are cleared of wrong numbers and duplicate numbers are automatically eliminated in the uploading phase.

  • Customization of messages

    It is possible to send communications tailored to each recipient, increasing the rate of involvement and reply thanks to 16 customizable fields and sender personalization.

  • Long messages (linked messages)

    The standard length of a text message is 160 characters, with Text Message you will be able to send a longer message through our linked messages function.

  • Massive contact import

    Upload contact lists in a few seconds from CSV, TXT format files or through the copy-paste function directly into the platform.

  • Unlimited Contacts and lists

    There is no limit to how many contacts you can upload onto the lists on the platform.

  • API and integration support

    All the functions and services of Text Message can be integrated through API

  • Previous Campaigns, Sent Messages and Statistics

    Text message archive, every message sent will be saved in the archive to be analyzed, verified or simply to be replicated in the future, making Marketing’s job easier.

Types of text messages available for sending through the TEXT MESSAGE service

Text Message allows you to send the following types of messages:

  • Bulk Text Messages (available through web service)

    The cheapest solution for massive sending that doesn’t require recognizability (personalized sender) and delivery report.

  • High Quality Text Messages (available through platform and web service)

    Delivery notification, customizable sender, linked messages, decoding of special characters.

  • Flash Messages (Currently available through web services)

    The message appears directly on the screen of the recipient’s device like a notification.

  • Text messages towards Italy and abroad (platform and web service)

    Gateway for sending text messages towards Italy and abroad. Sending messages abroad is available only through the web service version.

Some examples of the use of the Text Message reception service

The text messaging service allows you to reach clients anywhere with targeted communications and in real time.

  • Promoting products and special offers

    It is possible to send text messages to create special promotions for the clients in your database. In a few seconds you can send promotional messages reaching all of your contacts promoting the launch of or a special offer for a product. It is also possible to schedule the message to be sent at a different date by differentiating the message as second in the category.

  • Appointment reminders

    When booking an appointment or an event you can immediately set up a scheduled text message. The automated process will allow the recipient to remember that on a specific date he/she has an appointment for a doctor’s visit, a car check-up, a payment deadline.

  • Building Customer Loyalty

    By sending text messages with holiday greetings or connected to personal events regarding the users such as birthday wishes, companies build customer loyalty, gratifying them with a simple text message.

  • Customer Service

    Through a Ticket management system it is possible to manage confirmation messages by sending automated text messages.

  • Can I integrate Text Message with my management system? integrates the Text Messaging platform with advanced management systems tailored to companies. Through software development it is possible to integrate the system with your own client list, with the website or with integrated systems that are already operational within the company. For more information see the API/developers section..

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